Rosey Minnick: Reflections on "Ecocriticism in Poetry" Research Paper
Rosey Minnick reflects on the research and writing process of their research paper.
The process of writing my research paper, “Ecocriticism in Poetry,” was a very enlightening and interesting experience. With prior knowledge in my studies of the environment and climate change, conducting the research for this paper expanded my overall perception of the matter. My previous experience in research from the scientific, economic, and societal perspectives of climate change, and the importance of sustainability, broadened my passion to further examine the impacts of ecocriticism in literature. Reading many examples of ecopoetry enhanced my emotions toward the current degradation of the environment as described by several talented poets. Those I especially gravitated toward include Matthew Olzmann, Taneum Bambrick, and dg nanouk okpik, who effectively supported my initial inspiration. The emotional draw composed through my chosen poets in their pieces made the overall process enticing. This draw influenced my desire to write about the strong emotional impact, centered around empathy and guilt for what has led to the climate crisis.
In furthering my research, I realized that I, myself, connect with ecopoetry through the perspective of researchers and experts in the field. I have learned that the creative attempts of poetic literature have the power to make a more promising impact on individuals’ perspectives and emotions toward the climate crisis in comparison to my scientific studies. I found that ecopoetry takes a simpler, less scientific, and interesting route that the general public is more likely to understand and respond to, instilling a greater drive for change. I am thrilled to be joining the larger scholarly conversation. I hope that with my research reaching a larger audience, my paper gives readers a similarly enlightening experience in the unique topic of ecocriticism in poetic literature, and advocates for the needed regeneration to reverse the harmful effects of climate change on the environment.