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Matthew Schmidt has published poems in Hobart, Pleiades, The Seattle Review, Territory, and elsewhere. He is an associate poetry editor at Fairy Tale Review, and previously an editor at Mississippi Review, Sonora Review, and Product. His book reviews appear in The Volta and Hinchas de Poesia. He holds an MFA from the University of Arizona and a PhD from the University of Southern Mississippi. 

Adam al-Sirgany stands outside a storefront in Portugal.

Ingrid Claire Wenzler believes Joseph Brodsky’s claim that Anna Akhmatova’s first successful line was her pseudonym and has always been tempted to but hasn’t yet raised Akhmatova’s five open a’s to a more even six. For now it’s a given name and an MFA in fiction from the University of Arizona. Professionally, Ingrid has edited writing of all kinds, all shapes and sizes, for over thirteen years, though, the short story remains her focus and truest pleasure.

Adam al-Sirgany stopped publishing his unsolicited work after encountering the letters of Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov. He has served as a reader or editor for several magazines, including Sou'wester and the Sonora and Fairy Tale Reviews. He holds an MA from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, an MFA from the University of Arizona, and currently works as a private editor and ghostwriter. 


Ingrid Wenzler smiling on a bench beneath a tree.

Jon Riccio is the author of two chapbooks, Prodigal Cocktail Umbrella and Eye, Romanov, the latter a shared winner of the 2020 James Tate Prize. His full-length collection Agoreography was published in 2022. He teaches creative writing and literature at the University of West Alabama and Beijing Jiaotong University. He serves as the poetry editor at Fairy Tale Review.

Jon Riccio smiling on a building stoop

Jon Miller is a bicyclist and software engineer. He is a founding member of Osmanthus - a community and magazine focused on gathering around and publishing contemporary poetry.

Jon Miller holding a rabbit

Karlie Herndon formulated the original idea for this venture.

A Literary Salon for the Digital Age 

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nonprofit organization

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